Hi! I'm Lucy...

...mum to three small boys and full time owner/maker at Love from Lucy. Before this I worked in corporate London jobs for 10 years and then as a family and wedding photographer in the UK and New Zealand. I married a Kiwi and had our first son in New Zealand, we lived 6 months here and 6 months there until it became impractical. I spent most of my 20’s and 30’s pursuing my idea of a “sensible” career before realising that I can, in fact, have both, a career and creativity, while spending time with my kids. What a revelation! This is a one woman show from design through to delivery, making things I love, in the hope that you will love them too. 

“I just purchased some of your lightning bolts from the Swindon Designer outlet… I love love love them!” - Lily, Cotswolds UK

A message to you

I appreciate you all and every one of your orders. I love hearing your stories, if you have a minute, drop me a message, review or tag us in your social media posts if that's your thing - and tell us a bit about yourself.

I like to think that the things you wear and the gifts you buy for others can be meaningful as well as fun, colourful and timeless. Part of a slower more thoughtful living, knowing that your jewellery is not mass produced by someone unknown in a far away land. If you’re interested, please check out the process behind what makes your earrings unique.

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